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加州理工大学化学工程、生物工程和生物化学教授Frances Arnold和她的团队独创了一种能生产硼-碳键的细菌。硼-碳键只能通过化学人工合成,从来没听说过天然有机生物能生产这种化学键的。






早在1990年代,Arnold就开发了一种被称为定向进化(directed evolution)的方法,诱使细菌制造含硼化合物。他们让酶在实验室中进行进化以完成预期功能,以生产自然生物界中不存在的化学键。

科学家们从一种由热泉细菌生产的细胞色素c(cytochrome c)变异体蛋白开始,突变了编码该蛋白的DNA,然后把突变DNA序列放入上千个细菌细胞内,看哪些细菌能生成所需的硼-碳键。筛选出的突变DNA再经过数次突变-检测循环,直到细菌们高度熟练硼-碳化合物组装。


“蛋白质DNA就像软件,能黑客也能被重写,”文章一作Jennifer Kan说。“传统化学,如果你想生产某个新东西,你必须重新合成一整套化学催化剂。但是合成生物不同,你只需修改DNA,告诉细菌你想要的东西长什么样。”


Genetically programmed chiral organoborane synthesis

Recent advances in enzyme engineering and design have expanded nature’s catalytic repertoire to functions that are new to biology. However, only a subset of these engineered enzymes can function in living systems. Finding enzymatic pathways that form chemical bonds that are not found in biology is particularly difficult in the cellular environment, as this depends on the discovery not only of new enzyme activities, but also of reagents that are both sufficiently reactive for the desired transformation and stable in vivo. Here we report the discovery, evolution and generalization of a fully genetically encoded platform for producing chiral organoboranes in bacteria. Escherichia coli cells harbouring wild-type cytochrome c from Rhodothermus marinus (Rma cyt c) were found to form carbon–boron bonds in the presence of borane–Lewis base complexes, through carbene insertion into boron–hydrogen bonds. Directed evolution of Rma cyt c in the bacterial catalyst provided access to 16 novel chiral organoboranes. The catalyst is suitable for gram-scale biosynthesis, providing up to 15,300 turnovers, a turnover frequency of 6,100 h–1, a 99:1 enantiomeric ratio and 100% chemoselectivity. The enantiopreference of the biocatalyst could also be tuned to provide either enantiomer of the organoborane products. Evolved in the context of whole-cell catalysts, the proteins were more active in the whole-cell system than in purified forms. This study establishes a DNA-encoded and readily engineered bacterial platform for borylation; engineering can be accomplished at a pace that rivals the development of chemical synthetic methods, with the ability to achieve turnovers that are two orders of magnitude (over 400-fold) greater than those of known chiral catalysts for the same class of transformation. This tunable method for manipulating boron in cells could expand the scope of boron chemistry in living systems




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