
默克·生命科学 | 默克加快Mobius一次性技术产品在中国无锡的制造速度

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● 追加投资以满足中国生物制药制造日益增长的需求

● 加快Mobius®一次性技术产品的制造速度,支持新药开发

中国无锡,2018年2月23日 —— 领先的科技公司默克宣布在中国继续追加投资,加快Mobius®一次性技术产品在无锡的制造速度。此前,默克于2016年11月宣布在中国南通投资8,000万欧元建立生命科学中心,助力中国生命科学业务的发展。

Andrew Bulpin




作为新兴的生物仿制药市场,中国正快速发展成为生物技术强国。在生物仿制药的研发和制造过程中,一次性(Single Use)技术因其具备较高的灵活性和高效性而至关重要。






Merck Accelerates Mobius®Single-Use Manufacturing in Wuxi

Investment supports growing demand for biopharmaceutical manufacturing in China 

Accelerates Mobius® single-use manufacturing to bolster novel drug development 


Wuxi, China, February 23, 2018 – Merck, a leading science and technology company, today announced an additional investment to accelerate Mobius® single-use manufacturing in Wuxi, China. This investment follows a year after Merck announced its €80m Life Science investment in Nantong, China in November 2016.


“As a leading Life Science solutions provider, we are committed to playing an active role in China’s transformation into an innovation-driven economy,” said Andrew Bulpin, head of Process Solutions, Life Science at Merck. “This investment allows us to accelerate the development and manufacturing of biosimilars for our customers. It also demonstrates our resolve to fulfil and upgrade the life science value chain in China.”


China is fast becoming a biotech powerhouse with a promising biosimilar industry. Single-use capability is critical for biosimilar development and manufacturing because of their flexibility and efficiency.


The investment demonstrates Merck’s commitment to support the industry’s fast growth by providing a wide range of leading, innovative solutions for customers and partners in China. Located in Wuxi China, the site expansion to add Mobius® manufacturing is expected to be completed in the second half of 2018. 


Merck recently announced additional investments of about €40m to build a robust supply chain with two new Life Science manufacturing and distribution sites in South Korea and India, and the single-use manufacturing facility in China. 


默克创建于1668年,是世界上历史最悠久的医药化工企业。默克家族作为公司的创始者至今仍持有默克大部分的股份。位于达姆施塔特的默克在全球拥有“默克”这一名称和品牌的所有权。仅有的例外是在加拿大和美国,默克在这两个国家使用的名称是EMD Serono,MilliporeSigma 和 EMD Performance Materials



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